Pillai College of Education & Research, Chembur held the investiture ceremony on 17th March, 2022 for the new student council members of batch 2021 – 2023. The chief guest for the event was Ms. Preeti Pawar, headmistress of Chembur English High School who is not just a PCER alum but a former student council member during her B.Ed. Preeti Ma’am presented the badges to the student council members and they took the oath in front of all the teachers and their fellow classmates.
Student Council Batch 2021-2023
General Secretary – Siddhi S Phatak
Deputy General Secretary – Riddhi Vijay
Maru and Carol Sherly Nadar, Report In-charge – Erica D’silva
Cultural and Sports – Hida Peerzade and Aanchal Kataria
Assembly In-charge – Raveena Tripathi and Anita Jain
Academic In-charge – Sujoy Mitra
Photography In-charge – Ruchika Vinay Kharat