On 26th November, 2022 S.Y. B.Ed. students of Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur organized a special assembly observing three important occasions; Constitution Day, International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children’s Day. The assembly began by invoking the blessings of the Almighty. The ‘Thought for the day’ was in line with respect towards our unique Constitution and being a responsible citizen. This was followed by an insightful speech highlighting the works done by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar ‘The father of the Indian Constitution’ and his contribution towards our country and drafting the constitution. The speaker also enlightened the audience about the different sections, laws, rights, and aspects of the Indian Constitution, and gave an effective conclusion through her speech on working together as a Nation to eliminate violence against Women. An inspirational and heart-touching story was shared via a video on the Elimination of Violence against Women. The assembly was concluded with fun-filled activities to relive childhood memories in celebration of Children’s Day followed by the Principal addressing the students.