ICSSR Sponsored Online International Conference on Quality Enhancement

PCER > Events > ICSSR Sponsored Online International Conference on Quality Enhancement

Date : 16th February, 2024
Venue: Zoom

The Online International Conference on Quality Enhancement in HEI through Innovative Teaching Learning Strategies, was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of MES’s Pillai College of Education & Research, Chembur, & sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research- Western Regional Centre. The sub-themes for the conference were:

  • Quality Sustenance in Higher Education
  • Next Gen Teaching Strategies
  • Research for Quality Enhancement
  • Practical Training for Competency Development
  • Building skills of Employability
  • Faculty Development Programs as per the needs of the Next Gen Learners

The conference aimed at fostering excellence in education by exploring cutting-edge approaches to teaching and learning, with a focus on enhancing quality across Higher Education Institutions.

Our chief guest for the day was Dr. Sunita Magre, Professor and Head of the Department of Education at the University of Mumbai bringing with her a wealth of teaching experience spanning 24 years. She addressed the conference sharing her wealth of knowledge and experience. She emphasized the role of the various stakeholders involved in enhancing the quality of education. She also spoke about how to enhance access to education for all irrespective of background. She also spoke about how B.Ed syllabus and curriculum have developed in order to provide a more holistic learning process which will in turn lead to better quality teachers in the system.

The esteemed keynote speaker for the conference was Dr. Bed Raj Acharya, Professor of Mathematics Education at the Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Currently, he serves as the Director of the Graduate School of Education within the Faculty of Education at T.U. The title of his speech was ‘Effective pedagogical practices for today’s learners and educational transformation’. He spoke about the evolution of student engagement and the teachers role in this paradigm. He also elaborated the strategies for engagement in higher education. He also explained the importance of various approaches for higher education including dialogic, constructivist, project based as well as transformative pedagogy. Dr. Acharya’s profound insights were thought provoking.

The panelists were Dr. Shnaoli Chakraborty Acharya. Dr. Shnaoli is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education at West Bengal State University, India, boasting 15 years of experience in teaching, curriculum design, and the development of training programs for in-service teachers; Ms. Debarati Basak who is a practicing psychologist with 22 years of experience and Dr. Paul D’Souza, a research advisor at GEH, Bangalore & an entrepreneur operating from Hong Kong, involved in education in South East Asia including conducting workshops for UNESCO to train heads of education institutions. This was followed by the paper presentations.

The conference culminated with a vote of thanks to the management, organizers, and participants for furthering the enhancement of quality education through such events.

The Online International Conference on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through Innovative Teaching Learning Strategies was a resounding success. Throughout the discussions, esteemed experts have emphasized the urgent need for transformative actions to elevate the quality of education in HEIs. Their insights have underscored the importance of embracing innovative teaching and learning strategies to meet the evolving needs of students and society. By fostering inclusive, equitable, and lifelong learning opportunities, HEIs can truly fulfill their mandate of providing high-quality education to all.