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Yoga – A Guide to Holistic Living
ISBN: 9798887334141
Yoga has immense benefits when practiced regularly. It keeps away most of the ailments from our mind and body. The journey through life will be happy, calm and more fulfilling if the people are in congruence. So, if you want to develop a strong and flexible body, lose weight, being at peace, good health, good looking and charming.

Online Learning Impacts Classroom
ISBN: 9798887334301
Online Learning Impacts Classroom is an attempt in bringing to light the action research done by the student teachers during their period of Internship. It is an attempt that helps us to understand the classroom dynamics in a simplified manner.
The efforts taken by student teachers during the conduct of Action Research is highly meaningful.
We really hope that this book will help all the readers to understand the basics of Action Research in their respective environment.

The book Her Voice is a compilation of articles written by the Alumni of PCER Chembur. The articles highlight their views on aspects of women empowerment towards a progressive nation. Initiatives and opportunities towards education, employment, gender roles have evolved the role of women in our society. The articles reflect real life experience shared by the authors. The Alumni play a vital role as teachers in various educational institutions and their efforts are paved towards achieving SDGs 2030. This book aims at achieving SDG #5: Gender Equality and SDG#4: Quality Education.

MKLM’s B L Amlani College of Commerce and Economics in collaboration with IQAC of MES’ Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur conducted a National Level Multi-Disciplinary Online Seminar on Gender Equality Towards a Welfare State on 25th September, 2021. The proceedings of the seminar were published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Technology – ISSN 25827359.

Dr. Sunita Magre, Professor and Chairperson, Board of Studies, University of Mumbai and Dr. Reni Francis, Principal, PCER Chembur, and BOS Member, University of Mumbai, Published a book ‘Best Practices in VENTEL’ by Notion Press; 1st edition (27th September 2021), ISBN 1685635245. This book is a compilation of the various best practices presented at the online Colloquium on Best Practices in VENTEL- MGNCRE Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav for student teachers of VENTEL Cell, organised by Board of Studies in Education, University of Mumbai in collaboration with MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur on 1st October, 2021.The best practices shared in this book is the implementation of VENTEL at the Institution/ Teacher/ Student/ NGO level

Dr. Reni Francis, Principal, PCER Chembur and Dr. Jaya Cherian, Asst. Prof. PCER Chembur published a book ‘NaiTalim in Classroom’ by Notion Press; 1st edition (28th September, 2021) ,ISBN 1685636209. This book is a compilation of the Lesson Plans based on Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology of NaiTalim. The lesson plans focus on experiential learning, work education, craft centered learning and involving the students in the teaching learning process.

Dr. Reni Francis, Principal and Dr. Swasti Dhar, Asst. Prof, PCER published a book titled ‘Futuristic Role of Teachers’, ISBN-9781685540708. This book is a compilation of chapters from eminent educationists and teachers who have put forth their views about what the future role of a teacher will be. The Pandemic has brought with it a disruption of life as we knew it. The field of education is no exception. But it is a fact that like the doctors of the world showed their mettle, teachers all over the world also got their act together. This book looks into the future role of education and teachers and is in line with Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education adopted by the United Nations.

Dr. Reni Francis, Principal, PCER, Chembur published a book ‘Death is Defeated’, by Notion Press, ISBN 9781685235710. This book reflects God’s testimony in her life as her family battled with COVID and experienced the miracle of healing.

On the occasion of Independence Day on 15th August, 2021, PCER Chembur, released the book ‘Teachers as Nation builders’ ISBN 9781685236007 by Notion Press. It is a tribute to the contribution of teachers towards nation building. This book is a compilation of articles written by the Alumni of MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur. The idea of this book was conceived when we at PCER, Chembur thought, what could be a better way to celebrate this jubilant mood than by listening to what the teachers of today have to say about the role of teachers in empowering future citizens.

Dr. Reni Francis authored a book What works well in my class…, ISBN 9781639973835 by Notion Press. This book is a tool in the hands of a teacher to bring about positive and reinforcing classroom environment. An effective learning environment helps everyone to learn from each other and build a strong teacher-student relationship. This book will highlight various aspects of classroom practices towards a healthy classroom environment.

Dr. Reni Francis published a book Effective Classroom Management by Notion Press; 1st edition (3rd May, 2021), ISBN-13-:-978-163904500. Classroom management is the process by which teachers and schools create and maintain appropriate behaviour of students in classroom settings. The purpose of implementing effective classroom management strategies is to reinforce socially enriching behaviour and increase student academic engagement. This books gives an insight into various classroom management strategies, case studies from real life classroom experiences and tips for effective classroom management.

Dr. Reni Francis, Principal, published a book titled ‘Moral of the Story….’ by Notion Press,1st edition (5 May 2021). ISBN-13-978-1639049189. It is a compilation of short stories and movie reviews that teach us life lessons. Our experiences with people, situation at different times make us face the reality of life. The short stories mentioned in this book gives us an insight into the values that need to be ingrained in our life to live in harmony with people and society. It showcases the need to highlight on the Social quotient, Emotional Quotient, Humanity quotient and Adversity quotient.

Dr. Swasti Dhar, Assistant Professor, Pillai College of Education and Research edited a book ‘The Journey of a Student’ by Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN: 978-620-3-02968-0. This book comprises the prize winning collection of stories submitted by the students of Batch 2019-20 for a story writing competition held in commemoration of the birth anniversary of India’s 11th President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam on 15th October, 2020.

University of Mumbai, Thane Sub- Campus in collaboration with MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur organised a Student Teachers Action Research Seminar on 5th April, 2021. We received student teacher participation from Mumbai, Pune and Goa. The papers presented at the Seminar are compiled by Dr. Sunita Magre, IC Director, Thane Sub-Campus and Professor, Department of Education ,University of Mumbai and Dr. Reni Francis, Principal, MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur in the book ‘Classroom Dynamics : Action Research’ published by Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN: 978-620-3-84797-0.

Dr. Reni Francis (Principal) Published a book on ‘Pedagogy of Commerce’ by Himalaya Publishing House (ISO 9001:2015 Certified) with ISBN:978-93-90436-88-0. This book is based on the revised syllabus for B.Ed by University of Mumbai.

Dr. Sunita Jain Published a book on ‘Pedagogy of Economics’ by Himalaya Publishing House (ISO 9001:2015 Certified) with ISBN: 978-93-90436-72-9. This book is based on the revised syllabus for B.Ed by University of Mumbai.

Dr. Reni Francis authored a book Student Teachers Action Research published by Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-620-2-78690-. Student Teachers Action Research Series (STARS) is a compiled Action Research conducted by Student Teachers as a part of their B.Ed Two Years Programme. STARS is the action research articles on the basis of the classroom highlights that the Student teachers witness during their period of Internship. It is a close look into the classroom dynamics and insight to the basics of research. The research articles compiled in this book emphasise on Human Values and UNDP – Sustainable Development Goals.

Dr. Mary Varghese published a book Classroom Researches by Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN-13:978-620-2-68064-6. This book is a compilation of action research by student teachers. Action research is an effective tool to teachers to find answers to many of the classroom problems.. Action research helps educators be more effective at what they care most about – their teaching and the development of their students. The action researchp rovide convincing evidence to teachers on their work which has made a real difference in their students’ lives, the countless hours and endless efforts of teaching seem worthwhile.

Dr. Mary George Varghese, authored a book on ‘Learning and Teaching’ for Mumbai University B.Ed Program, ISBN: 978-1-67817-288-6 published by Amitesh Publishers and Company, Pune.

Dr. Mary George Varghese , authored a book on ‘Environmental Education’ for Mumbai University B. Ed Program, ISBN: 978-1-67800-901-4 published by Amitesh Publishers and Company, Pune.

Dr. Sunita Jain and Dr. Swasti Dhar co-authored a book on Guidance and Counselling, ISBN: 978-93-89951-55-4 published by Himalaya Publishing House, based on the revised B.Ed syllabus of Mumbai University. It is an Elective Course (EC-3) book specially prepared for fourth semester of the two-year CBCS curriculum.

Dr. Reni Francis authored a book Creating an Inclusive School, published by Himalaya Publishing House, January 2020.

MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research in collaboration with SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion West along with SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education, Sion West organized a National Seminar on 18th January, 2020. The theme of the seminar was KI & KA – Gender Equality and Sustainable Development. The proceeding of the seminar was published as AMIERJ – Arhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal, ISSN 2278-5655.

MES Pillai College of Education Research Chembur and authors Dr.Reni Francis, Dr. Mary Varghese, Dr. Mary Devkumar, Dr. Sunita Jain , Ms. Vani Achari, Dr. Swasti Dhar and Ms. Jaya Cherian published a book ‘Researches on Classroom Practices’ Format- Kindle Edition. Action research provides practitioners with new knowledge and understanding about how to improve educational practices or resolve significant problems in classrooms and schools. Therefore, educators can use those research findings to improve their competences and teaching and learning process. Some of the action researches conducted are compiled and presented in this book

Dr. Reni Francis and 8 Alumni of MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur authored a book ‘Decoding SDGs in Classroom’, It is an attempt in understanding the classroom dynamics in relation to the need of the hour in our society and world at large.The book is written by 9 alumnus of MES’s Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur, who have taken deep interest and keen efforts in preparing these lesson plans. It provides guidelines in transacting and transmitting the ideas, thoughts of SDGs in classroom through various activities, discussion and showcasing the impact in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain

Dr. Reni Francis and Ms. Jaya Cherian co-authored a book ‘Language Enhancement’, ISBN: 978-93-89951-55-4 published by Lambert Academic Publishing. The book deals with augmenting the language skills among the non – English speaking students. It is an initiative to enable students who are grappling with English as a second language to become more confident and well versed in the language.

Dr. Swasti Dhar authored a book on Language Across Curriculum ISBN 9789353675110 based on the revised B.Ed syllabus of University of Mumbai.

Dr. Reni Francis authored a book Decoding SDG’s published by Aarhat Publicaitons and Aarhat Journals, ISBN-9788193856703, that deals with the author’s personal reflections on the impact of SDGs on life among people from different backgrounds. The book is an attempt at understanding the diversities that are existing in our life and how Sustainable Development Goals will help us to reflect over the various issues and challenges that we are facing in our life.

Dr. Sunita Jain authored a book ‘Value Embedded Life’ ISBN 978-81-936096-8-2 published by Aarhat Publications and Aarhat Journal’s . The book focuses on the importance of values in each one’s life. The book emphasizes the importance on Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological system theory.

Dr. Reni Francis authored a book “Basics of Commerce Education – Pedagogy of Commerce”, ISBN: 978-81-936096-0-6, published by Aarhat Printers, November 2017.

Dr. Reni Francis authored a book “When Love Meets Education” ISBN: 978-93-85957-26-0, published by Meena Book Publications, December 2017, that deals with value integration through the theory of Multiple Intelligences.