The S.Y.B.Ed. student teachers of the Elective course: Environmental Education organized an exhibition cum sale on eco-friendly stationery. The students were asked to prepare stationery items like cloth / paper bags, pens and pen stands, greeting cards etc. It was a part of their curricular activity. All the items prepared by the students were eco-friendly.
The students organized an exhibition cum sale for these items. There were two stalls for the exhibits and sale of the items. The consumers were the students and staff of Chembur Campus. Some of the items like Cloth bags and pens were in high demand.
All the environmental education students whole-heartedly participated in this activity. They got first-hand experience of learning by doing and organizing an exhibition cum-sale. It was very enriching and pleasant experience to the whole class. They could generate good income out of the activity and donated the same for charity work.