On the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary celebration, during the week long events an expert talk was organized for the S.Y. B.Ed. student teachers. The events were based on the teaching and values espoused by Gandhiji who believed in simplicity, self-discipline and self sufficiency.
Resource Person
Room No
Financial Planning
Ms. Premila D’Souza
11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
The resource person for the session was Ms. Premila D’Souza, Senior Manager, Citizen Credit Bank. During the session the students were oriented about the importance of financial planning and making saving a habit. The students were informed about the various ways in which they could save a part of their income when they started earning. They were advised to begin the saving habit with a small amount which they can easily keep aside and later on increase the amount with up gradation in their income. It was suggested that they could start a recurring deposit with a small amount and then later on put it into a fixed deposit. They were also oriented about mutual funds and SIP. The session also highlighted the aspect about taking loans and payment of EMIs and of having a healthy payment track record.
The resource person also answered the queries raised by the student teachers with respect to financial planning and budgeting. It was a very informative session and the student teachers gained immensely from the interesting discussion.