To mark the 150th Mahatma Gandhi Birth Anniversary Celebration, we at Pillai College of Education & Research, Chembur has planned numerous activities based on Gandhiji’s principles, for the entire week.
Resource Person
11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Room no. 401, Chembur Campus
Mr. Sashitharan Pillai
The week began with a session on Basic Home Skills. The resource person was Mr. Shashitharan Pillai. Sir gave us handy tips to repair leakages at home. Hands on experience were given on Basic Plumbing skills. Students were made aware of small fittings which they can do on their own. It’s not essential to be depended on plumbers and carpenters for every minute thing at home. Being little more aware and conscious, we can mend things without depending on others.
The week began with a Session on “Basic Home Skills”. The resource person was Mr. Shashitharan Pillai. Sir gave us handy tips to repair leakages at home. Hands on experience were given on Basic Plumbing skills. Students were made aware of small fittings which they can do on their own. It’s not essential to be depended on plumbers and carpenters for every minute thing at home. Being little more aware and conscious, we can mend things without depending on others.
This activity was in true sense in unison with Mahatma Gandhiji’s philosophy wherein he believed in a constant and continuous learning process including experimentation, keeping the ideal as the goal but also knowing that human beings must always keep improving and rising in their skills but can never attain absolute perfection. Hence, he also called himself a ‘practical idealist’, going from ‘truth to truth’. He himself practiced the pursuit of skill in whatever he did even more than he told others to do.
The session was very interactive and benefited the students. It ended with vote of thanks to the resource person.