Gallery Walk on “Educational Thinkers”

PCER > Enrichment Program 2014-15 > Gallery Walk on “Educational Thinkers”

Gallery Walk – Educational Thinkers (Course I – Philosophical Foundation in Education)

Report by
Dr. Reni Francis


29th and 30th September, 2014
4:00 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Gallery Walk on Educational Thinkers
MES’s Chembur Campus – Ground Floor

Event Details:

The Gallery Walk was a major highlight for Course I – on the topic Educational Thinkers. The topic were assigned to the student group which dealt with Indian and Western philosophers. The topics were sub divided into – Philosophy of Life, Aims of Education, Curriculum, Methods of teaching, Textbook, Role of teacher, contributions, achievements. The student teachers group presented skits on the life of each philosopher, their contributions and events that highlighted their philosophy of life, their unique charismatic school of thought. Charts were made on each philosopher highlighting on the sub topics. Creative ideas of exhibiting the charts and write up was witnessed. Each student of the group were assigned tasks and they took individual responsibility and assumed the role of social cohesiveness by the group activity. The student teachers prepared power point presentation on the topic assigned to them and also provided the class with study material of the concerned topic. An assessment consisting of MCQ was done at the end to review the understanding gained by the student teachers on the different thinkers.