PCER Chembur, in collaboration with Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) and Mahatma Junior College of Education (D.EL.Ed.), celebrated National Youth Day with an expert talk by Ms. Advaita Varadaraj Bapat, Ph.D. Scholar IIM, on the vital role of youth in nation-building. Ms. Advaita explained the importance of young people in shaping the future of the...Read More
PCER Chembur organised a 10 days online Research Methodology course from 20th February, 2025 to 4th March, 2025 sponsored by ICSSR-WRC. The RMC included 14 session on different research related topics. Eminent & experienced professors and associate professors from different institutions of Maharashtra and other states were invited to be the resource persons for the...Read More
B.Ed. student-teachers conducted engaging activities on SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth and SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation in their practice teaching schools. Through interactive discussions, role plays, debates and creative tasks, they helped students understand key global challenges and the importance of equality, economic growth and sustainable water...Read More
On the occasion of Marathi Bhasha Diwas (27th February), PCER, Chembur organized online poetry, slogan, and essay writing competitions to celebrate the richness and significance of the Marathi language. Students participated enthusiastically, expressing their thoughts, emotions, and creativity through their writings, making the event a meaningful tribute to the language and its cultural heritage.Read More
The students and faculty of Pillai College of Education & Research, Chembur embarked on an exciting Goa tour from 10th to 13th February, 2025. After arriving at Thivim Station, the group checked into Villa Cecilia, Candolim and spent a relaxing evening at Calangute Beach. Over the next two days, they explored South Goa, Old Goa...Read More
Students of F.Y. B.B.A. participated in the Intercollegiate Intellectual Group Discussion Competition organised by VPM’s R Z Shah College of Arts, Science & Commerce on the topic “The Future of Education with Al: Innovation, Ethics and Impact” sponsored by Marathon.Read More