Marathi Diwas is Celebrated on 27th February, 2022 every year across the Indian state of Maharashtra. This day is regulated by the State Government. It is celebrated on the Birthday of eminent Marathi Senior poet Kusumagraj. Kusumagraj has made significant contributions in the cultural field of Maharashtra and tireless efforts have been made to make Marathi the language of knowledge.
Maharashtra Government decided to celebrate his birthday as “Marathi Language Pride Day” as a salutation to the mother tongue and Kusumagraj’s memory. On this occasion our college celebrated Marathi Bhasha Diwas. The event host, Ms. Callista introduced the programme and the Chief Guest, Ms. Seema Kajale and addressed the audience. Miss Yogita gave an introductory speech on Marathi Bhasha Diwas and its significance. There was a poetry recitation competition, where six participants recited the poems of the famous Marathi poet Kusumagraj. The names of the participants are Ms. Preeti Darveshi, Siddhi Surve, Bhakti Sawant, Mangal Chikane, Yogita Pervi who participated in the competition.
The first prize was won by Ms Preeti Darveshi, second prize was won by Bhakti Sawant and the third prize was won by Mangal Chikane. After announcing the winners, Ms. Seema addressed the students and shared her thoughts about the event. It was followed with a speech by Principal Dr. Reni Francis and the event was concluded with a vote of thank by Miss Preeti.