Student Council

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Student Council

The PCER student council under the guidance of the Principal and the faculty in charge is responsible for conducting a variety of events. Its main objectives are to maintain discipline, provide mechanisms to address grievances, conduct various programs, develop team-spirit, leadership skills and cooperative learning amongst student teachers. The various activities conducted by the Students’ Council include conducting regular meetings, giving instructions in the classes, conducting academic, sports and cultural activities smoothly and to address the grievances of students to tutorial group teachers and Principal.

Student Council Guidelines2024-262023-252022-242021-232020-212020-222019-212018-202017-192016-182015-172014-152013-14

Student Council Guidelines

view Student Council Guidelines (.pdf)

The Student Council of the batch 2024-2026 were sworn in on the 5th of December, 2024. Elections for the academic batch 2024-2026 took place on 23rd November 2024. Candidates campaigned and presented their vision to the student body. The student council for the batch of 2024-2026 are as follows:

General SecretaryPreet Kaur Saini
Deputy General SecretarySharin Nadar
Assembly In-ChargeSadaf Rai and Jessica Joseph
Discipline In-ChargeAnushia Selwyndurai
Cultural & Sports In-ChargePunya Phull and Shiny Christina
Reports In-Charge
Saloni Prajapati
Photography In-Charge
Immanuel Danie

Student Council 2023-25

The Students’ Council of PCER Chembur’s 2023-25 batch was elected student Council by voting system.

Students were informed about the process of election and selection followed by PCER, Chembur. The students learned the various portfolios, the responsibilities attached to each post, and the skills expected for the same.

The students self-nominated and canvassed for themselves in front of the students and teachers. The Google Form was shared with the class and they had to vote for the nominated students for the different posts.

After counting all the votes and discussing with the Principal and teachers, the student council was successfully formed. The investiture ceremony for the student council of the batch 2023-2025 was held on the 11th January, 2024.

The elected Student Council members for the batch 2023-25 are as follows:

General SecretaryMs. Mahalaxmi Samuthiram
Deputy General SecretaryMs. Jinal Patel
Academic InchargeMs. Lourdu Mary
Assembly InchargeMs. Nandhini Yadav & Ms. Arvider Kaur Virdi
Cultural & Sports InchargeMs. Preeti Sharma & Ms. Shivani Gamre
Reports InchargeMs. Geneshiya Joy
Photo & Records InchargeMs. Ayesha Sayed
Discipline InchargeMs. Ahalya Yadav

Student Council 2022-24

The Students’ Council of PCER Chembur’s 2022-24 batch was elected student Council by voting system.

Students were informed about the process of election and selection followed by PCER, Chembur. The students learned the various portfolios, the responsibilities attached to each post, and the skills expected for the same.

The students self-nominated and canvassed for themselves in front of the students and teachers. The Google Form was shared with the class and they had to vote for the nominated students for the different posts.

The investiture ceremony was held on 28th January, 2023 for the new student council members of Batch 2022–2024. The event was graced by the presence of Principal Dr. Reni Francis and chief guest and alumna Ms. Athira SR. The ceremony began with the chief guest Ms. Athira SR announcing the names of students nominated for the following posts; the general secretary, the deputy general secretary, assembly in charge, report in charge etc. She awarded the badges to the newly elected council members which was followed by the oath-taking ceremony. The Chief guest Ms. Athira SR gave a short speech where she took the students down memory lane and made them understand the importance of this ceremony and posts. Finally an enlightening speech was delivered by the Principal, Dr. Reni Francis where she highlighted the importance of teamwork and perseverance.

The elected Student Council members for the batch 2022-24 are as follows:

General SecretaryMr. Premprakash Gupta and Ms. Marlin Ruby David
Deputy General SecretaryMs. Anupa Mukhopadhaya and Ms. Snehal Sharma
Academic InchargeMs. Devika Yadav and Ms. Priscilla Kajjar
Assembly InchargeMs. Mamata Kokaje and Ms. Shraddha Gupta
Cultural & Sports InchargeMs. Lucy Ravikumar, Ms. Ranjini Padadyachi and Ms. Damini Singh
Reports InchargeMs. Nidhi Suresh and Ms. Rutuja Thombre
Photo & Records InchargeMs. Saniya Sayed and Ms. Srushti Yeram
Discipline InchargeMs. Amisha Marathe and Ms. Yanshika Ved Prakash

Student Council 2021-23

The Students’ Council of PCER Chembur’s 2021-23 batch was elected student Council by voting system.

Students were informed about the process of election and selection followed by PCER, Chembur. The students learned the various portfolios, the responsibilities attached to each post, and the skills expected for the same.

The students self-nominated via a Google Form and canvassed online on Google Meet. The Google Form was shared with the class and they had to vote for the nominated students for the different posts.

The investiture ceremony was held on 17th March, 2022 for the new student council members of Batch 2021–2023. The chief guest for the event was Ms. Preeti Pawar, headmistress of Chembur English High School who is not just a PCER alumna but a former student council member during her B.Ed. Preeti Ma’am presented the badges to the student council members and they took the oath in front of all the teachers and their classmates.

The elected Student Council members for the batch 2021-23 are as follows:

General SecretaryMs. Siddhi S Phatak
Deputy General SecretaryMs. Riddhi Vijay Maru and Ms. Carol Sherly Nadar
Academic InchargeMr. Sujoy Mitra
Assembly InchargeMs. Raveena Tripathi and Mrs. Anita Jain
Cultural & Sports InchargeMs. Hida Peerzade and Ms. Aanchal Kataria
Reports InchargeMs. Erica D’silva
Photo & Records InchargeMs. Ruchika Vinay Kharat

Student Council 2020-22

The Students’ Council of PCER Chembur’s 2020-22 batch was elected in a unique manner as befitting the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Students were informed about the process of election and selection followed by PCER Chembur. The students came to know the various portfolios, the responsibilities attached with each post and the skills expected for the same.

The students self-nominated themselves via a Google Form and canvasses online via WhatsApp. The Google Form was kept open for three days (from 12th to 14th March, 2021) and the students nominated themselves for the various posts.

On the 17th March, 2021, the nominated candidates canvassed and presented their views in front of the Principal, Faculty and their classmates via a special session on Google Meet. The elections took place via a Google Form and the link to the form was shared in the Google Meet itself.

The election process was followed up with a detailed online interaction with the Principal and the teachers-in-charge, Dr. Swasti Dhar and Dr. Jaya Cherian on the 18th March, 2021 and the results were declared on the same day.

The Oath taking ceremony for the Student Council was completed via Google Meet on 22nd March, 2022.

The elected Student Council members for the batch 2020-22 are as follows:

General SecretaryMs. Chrysll D’souza
Deputy General SecretaryMr. Melvin Chacko and Ms. Dipika Lund
Academic InchargeMs. Anjali Khanna
Assembly InchargeMs. Vairavalakshmi Chelliah
Cultural & Sports InchargeMr. Dale D’silva and Ms. Pooja Mishra
Reports InchargeMs. Namrata Singh
Photo & Records InchargeMs. Devshree Sharma

The Investiture Ceremony of Student Council – 2019-21

The Investiture ceremony of the Student Council was held on the 14th November, 2019 at 11 am in room no. 401.

The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. Bhaskar Thube, Principal of Mahatma Junior College of Education, Chembur. The programme was organised by the Senior Student Council. Ms. Chiara D’Souza hosted the programme. The programme began with the prayer song. The Principal addressed the audience and welcomed the Chief Guest to the Investiture ceremony and congratulated him for being awarded the Ph.D. She spoke on the need to maintain a calm exposure in times of stress and maintain a balanced relations with the students as they co-ordinate the activities of the college.

The Senior Student Council member, Ms. Anuja Kanse introduced the Chief Guest and was felicitated with a token of our love and appreciation. Dr. Thube highlighted on the need for maintaining discipline by the Council members and ensure the maximum participation of each and every student in the college activities. He urged the students to utilize every opportunity given to them by the college to develop their personality.

The Student Council members were administered the Oath of Office and were presented with Badges for their portfolios. Each of the members spoke of how they would contribute to the college and serve the students and the college to the best of their abilities.

The vote of thanks was given by the newly appointed General secretary and the ceremony ended with a group photo session of the Student Council with the faculty of PCER.

Student Council Teachers In charge – Dr. Mary Devakumar
Prof. Vani Achari

The Elections of the Student Council 2019-21

The elections of the Student Council 2019 -21 was held on the 13th November, 2019 by way of secret ballot and the students voted for the candidates as per the portfolios of the Student Council which were

  1. General Secretary
  2. Deputy General Secretary
  3. Academic Incharge
  4. Cultural Incharge
  5. Discipline Incharge
  6. Report Writing In charge
  7. Sports Incharge
  8. Photography Incharge

The votes were counted in the class in the presence of the Principal, faculty and students by the Student Council Incharge teachers. After the counting the teachers vote was also taken and the Council of members were finalized and results declared.

The Student Council members elected were

Portfolio Names
General Secretary Deputy Ms. Sherry Jose
General Secretary Ms. Cristin Kenny & Ms. Jayshree Pillai
Academic In charge Ms. Jenni James & Ms. Sheetal Misar
Cultural In charge Ms. Josmi Jose & Ms. Priyanka Mohite
Discipline In charge Ms. Subbulakshmi M & Ms. Alisha Memom
Sports In charge Ms. Daisya Nadar
Report Writing In charge Ms. Urvi Sadhani
Photography In charge Ms. Ms. Jessi Kamalam

Student Council 2018-20

Our Student Council is the official body which is elected by the students to represent them in the smooth functioning of the college. It’s main objectives are to maintain discipline, provide mechanism to address grievances, conduct various programs, develop team-spirit and co-operative learning amongst student teachers. The various activities conducted by the Students’ Council include conduction of regular meetings, giving instructions in the classes, conducting academic, sports and cultural activities smoothly and to address the grievances of students to tutorial group teacher, Principal and higher authorities.

It takes initiative to organize cultural events in co-ordination with different tutorial groups and celebrate important days such as ‘Gandhi Jayanti’, ‘Independence Day’, Republic day, ‘Teacher’s Day’, ‘Marathi Divas’, Hindi diwas etc. It organizes events, competitions at college level & inter collegiate events like ‘Valeur’. The various programs for ‘Diwali Celebrations’, ‘Alumni Meet’, ‘Christmas Celebrations’ are organized.

Portfolio Student In-charge
General Secretary Ms. Sudha Priya Raju
Deputy General Secretary Ms. Chiara D’Souza
Academics In-charge Ms. Anuja Kanse
Ms. Ankita Singh
Cultural In-charge Ms. Shweta Pandey
Discipline In-charge Ms. Jyoti Singh
Report Writing In-charge Ms. Angel Nadar
Sports In-charge Mr. Shivam Singh
Photography In-charge Ms. Aisha Khan
Discipline In-charge Ms. Jyoti Singh

Portfolio Details

General Secretary:
Is the Class representative and overall coordinator for all portfolios. General Secretary collates the outcomes of all the activities and is the interface between students and Principal / Faculty.

Dy. General Secretary:
Coordinates with General Secretary to ensure smooth functioning of all the portfolios and works in absence of General Secretary.

Academics In-charge:
Ensures notes is available to all students and coordinates with teachers for notes and references. Also coordinates with General Secretary for any academic related problems.

Cultural In-charge:
Coordinates with teacher in-charge for organizing various cultural activities for different events and ensures full participation of students. Takes care that every activity report is made after every event. Cultural In-charge coordinates with photo-in-charge, collects tutorial-wise report, prepares list of participants, assigns duties and prepares list of winners.

Sports In-charge:
Coordinates with teacher in-charge of sports and organizes sports day, in-house competition. Prepares list of participants, assigns duties and prepares list of winners and final report making of the events.

Discipline and Cleanliness In-charge:
In-charge of discipline during college hours and programmes, preservescongenial and conducive environment. Maintains punctuality. Classroom and corridors maintenance is taken care by the discipline and cleanliness in-charge. Restrictions on mobile phone usage during college hours and proper dress code is also looked into. Discipline in-charge sees to that Students carry their identity cards/library cards daily and coordinate with teacher-in-charge for report making.

Photography In-charge:
Is in-charge of photography. Takes care that the camera is ready and charged prior to any event and clicks sufficient photographs of each event. Uploads the photographs immediately and prepars CD / Collage of every event. The PPT with these photographs is displayed during the next event. The photos are displayed on notice board too from time to time and co-ordinates with teacher in-charge for report making.

Report Writing In-charge:
Coordinates with all the portfolio-in-charge and collects reports from each portfolio-in-charge and also makes an individual report for each portfolio along with photographs.

Student Council 2017-19

Portfolio Student In-charge
General Secretary Ms. Nanda Deshmukh
Deputy General Secretary Ms. Rebeka Samuel
Academics In-charge Ms. Simran Wadhwa
Ms. Jahaara Hashmi
Cultural In-charge Ms. Mahalakshmi Pillai
Sports In-charge Ms. Jincy James
Discipline In-charge Ms. Sugania Nadar
Report WritingMs. Shiny Ribeiro
PhotographyMr. Nikhil Fernandes

Student Council 2016-18

Portfolio Student In-charge
General Secretary Sivaranjini Ganeshan
Deputy General Secretary Myakal Sneha
Academics Vidya Vasanthi
Cultural Roshini Maria Joseph
Reports Arpitha Cherian
Sports Vallookaren Alisha
Assembly Pooja Nair
Photo Jyoti Surgond
Discipline Stella Selvaraj, Amala Pency

Student Council 2015-17

PortfolioStudent In-charge
General Secretary 1. Prateeksha
2. Surpriya
Deputy General Secretary 1. Bhavna
2. Sabrina
Academics 1. Selvakanni
2. Isha
3. Binish
4. Priyanka
Cultural 1. Nadia
2. Asmita
3. Priya
4. Sreeja
Reports1. Vishaka
2. Shiny
3. Divya
4. Lencika
Sports1. Glen
2. Jeenal
3. Shravanti
4. Ashwin
Assembly 1. Reshma
2. Diksha
3. Yasmin
4. Sony
Photo1. Disha
2. Krupa

Student Council 2014-15

Portfolio Student In-charge
General Secretary Ms. Gladnis Samuel, Mr. Shelwin Perreira,
Ms. Rachana Ganatra
Deputy General SecretaryFr. Sebastian Gomes, Ms. Renu Sharma
AcademicsMs. Kavita Balaraman, Ms. Ansu Tripathi, Ms. Prajakta Kamte
AssemblyMs. Smita Gajakos, Ms. Komal Pival
Cultural Ms. Anuradha Dubey, Ms. Madhura Toraskar,
Ms. Rajani Gupta
ReportsMs. Jennifer, Ms. Sneha Shah
SportsMs. Vijayalaxmi Nadar, Ms. Shabnam Pathan,
Mr. Sanjaya Gupta

Student Council Planner 2013-14

Portfolios Division A Division B
General Secretary Durai Vanita Pankaj Shukla
Deputy General Secretary Trisha Madhani Evangeline Arulmary
Academics Jaya Athwani Aarti Singh
SportsPradeep Jaiswar Dhanya Thoppil
Cultural Mansi Salvi Priyanka Nair
AssemblySavio Pereira Jyoti Malhotra
Discipline and Cleanliness Parveen Khan Mehrunnisa Kazi
Report Priyanka Dey Swati Mukund
Photo Harsha Lamba Thomas Joseph