This simple and fun method allowed participants to look at problems from non-traditional perspectives. This technique added depth by ensuring that all possibilities are explored and is a also a good critical-thinking tool. The Workshop was based on Edward De Bono – Six Thinking Hats.
11.15 a.m. – 1.15 p.m.
Workshop on “Thinking Your Way”
Room No: 401
- Define parallel thinking.
- Encourage critical thinking.
- Explore ideas from a variety of viewpoints.
The Workshop highlighted on the features of the Six Thinking hats and how each Hat helps in decision making.
The Blue Hat:
- The control hat, organising thinking itself.
- Sets the focus, calls for the use of other hats.
- Monitors and reflects on the thinking processes used.
- Blue is for planning
The Red Hat:
- Emotions & feelings
- Hunches, intuitions, impressions
- Doesn’t have to be logical or consistent
- No justifications, reasons or basis
- All decisions are emotional in the end
The Green Hat:
- New ideas, concepts, perceptions
- Deliberate creation of new ideas
- Alternatives and more alternatives
- New approaches to problems
- Creative & lateral thinking
The Yellow Hat:
- Positive & speculative
- Positive thinking, optimism, opportunity
- Benefits
- Best-case scenarios
- Exploration
The Black Hat:
- Cautious and careful
- Logical negative – why it won’t work
- Critical judgement, pessimistic view
- Separates logical negative from emotional
- Focus on errors, evidence, conclusions
- Logical & truthful, but not necessarily fair
An overview of the different Thinking Hats were given. The student teachers were asked to write their thoughts on the different scenarios presented to them on 6 coloured chart paper cut-outs and stick it on the hat that was prepared by them with the help of the newspaper. The scenarios were:
Scenario 1
- All students should be given Rs 250/- every week to attend school.
- Apply different hat thinking to this suggestion.
- Don’t worry if you agree or disagree with the statement.
Scenario 2
- You are assigned a career as soon as you are born.
- Apply different hat thinking to this suggestion.
- Don’t worry if you agree or disagree with the statement.
Scenario 3
- Teachers using new methodologies should have a 30% pay raise.
- Apply different hat thinking to this suggestion.
- Don’t worry if you agree or disagree with the statement.
Scenario 4
- Computers are essential for good education.
- Apply different hat thinking to this suggestion.
- Don’t worry if you agree or disagree with the statement.
The student teachers thoroughly enjoyed the session as it made them think differently using their 6 Thinking Hats.